Australian Ethical visit: Coal Seam Gas divestment

We were fortunate to be able to visit Australian Ethical Investments’ Canberra office a couple of weeks ago. We also checked out a couple of Canberra commercial properties that they’ve recently invested in.

Australian Ethical occupies Trevor Pearcey House, a building which they  purchased and then renovated in order to achieve a ‘6 Star’ Green rating (see:

In addition, I was fortunate enough to discuss the reasons behind Australian Ethical’s recent divestment from Origin Energy for Coal Seam Gas operations (see: For those of us who’ve seen the movie ‘Gasland’, the thought of natural gas drilling in our backyard is not a pleasant one! However for more opinions on Coal Seam Gas, refer:–gas-worth–the-risk-20110819-1j20j.html.

For more information on how to avoid investing in companies like Origin, contact us on 08 9267 3488 or 


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