Your Super: Are you profiting from Cigarettes?

Are you profiting from investing in tobacco companies? Most people we talk to find the idea of profiting from cigarette sales sickening. However, many investors find it too hard to establish what types of companies they are invested in via their superannuation or investment funds, so it’s often put in the ‘too hard basket’. However, […]

Sustainable Investing Briefing: Put your money where your mouth is….8th March 2011

[download_link link=””]Download the Invitation[/download_link] Come along to our educational investment briefing to learn about long term investment strategies for Superannuation and Wealth Creation investors. We will feature two presentations: The Climate Advocacy Fund Through the power of shareholder resolutions, Australian Ethical Investment and one of its funds, the Climate Advocacy Fund, have convinced ASX listed […]

Industry Super Income Protection: A Warning

Income Protection (or Salary Continuance) insurance is an important part of most Australians’ protection plan. We insure our car, our home, our possessions – but what about our most important asset: our ability to earn an income? Salary Continuance can generally be held within your super fund – but you should be aware of big differences […]

Achieving Financial Confidence: A Dashboard approach

How confident are you about achieving your financial goals? For example, with compulsory superannuation in Australia, most people have some sort of retirement savings. But how confident are you that you are adequately providing for your retirement and that your savings will last? At what point will you retire and commence a pension? What are […]

Insurance for SuperMums (& SuperDads)

  In the course of our discussions with many clients, it is usually discovered that the person responsible for the domestic duties doesn’t have adequate insurances in place.  Research shows that the ‘home maker’ puts an average of 94.4 hours of effort in each week, and the cost to replace that person if they were […]